This song is awesome so I had to make a pole dance video for it! It’s really a bunch of pole tricks put together with some added special effect stars that I added. This song is such a great party song!! I will be loving this one for a long time. Hope you like my video!

I have been into clothes, shoes, and fashion for as long as I can remember. I always loved playing dress up as a kid and as soon as I was old enough to use a sewing machine I began trying to design and make clothes to wear and would even video tape and make fashion and tv shows all about it. I have worked in retail lots selling clothes and shoes. I have been a shoe addict since at least high school too. Anyway I have been wanting to start my own costume shop for a really long time now and I am finally getting it started online. This is a video I made while modeling a costume that I have available for sale in my store. It’s a sexy striped referee dress that I showed off for a photo shoot while I listened to the radio and posed by my pole.


I worked all night long which is something that I have been doing a lot of lately. I really want to get so many things accomplished and it always seems like there are not enough hours in the day so I have been skipping going to bed a few nights a week and I stay awake working on my various online projects. Things seem to be going really well so I need to keep my momentum going!

Sexy pole dancing photo shoot… I recorded a whole bunch of video and had lots of pics taken. This is the first video clip from this night.

I am excited to see that this video is currently the top rated video on the site!! Thank you so much! You guys are too cool!!!! 😀 This is me pole dancing to music by Mrs PG and Cheech Marley with their song Back to Dis Paper on Naked Girls Radio.

I usually spend way too much time indoors during the summer months and then I am sad when summer time is gone. I am outside in my driveway with a comfy chair with my Mac Book listening to the radio and trying out Mars Edit for the first time with my Word Press page. I haven’t been on here in a really long time. I had gotten out of the habit of blogging for a while now and I am reading a book about social media right now that is pretty cool. It has inspired me to do some blogging so hopefully I will eventually manage to do it more regularly.

Natural smiling brunette tan lines boobs cleavage tank top

OMG.. so let me say this I have a crazy life which includes three kids and I swear they are trying to make me insane right now! That is part of the reason I haven’t been blogging as much as I want to because I am still trying to find my time apart from when they are busy making constant demands or fighting. I have been trying to write this blog for probably close to an hour now and I obviously haven’t gotten very far. I am trying to tune them out now but it is not going so well. Lunch is almost done cooking and then maybe *hopefully* they will actually go take their naps today. Wish me luck!

Mike Michalak Band: Wall

I love the Mike Michalak Band. They are one of my favorites on Naked Girls Radio. The effects on this video turned out really cool. I especially love the moving rainbow colored trees. This would be an excellent trippy vid to veg out to. Their music fits in perfectly with this effect and can take you away to a whole new place.

Wesley Harding: Hail to the Thief

Part of this week’s pole dance work out included some music from a Naked Girls Radio favorite, Wesley Harding. There is new music by the Chicago area band being played on the air lately.  Current music on NGR includes Wesley Harding’s songs I’m the One and Misery Loves Company which was recorded at a live show in the area.  This video features a song called Hail to the Thief that has not yet been played here at the station! Listen for it coming soon in high quality audio at Naked Girls Radio!


This is the latest video by New Nobility called Rebel Hero. You can also hear the song on the air at Naked Girls Radio.  I really enjoy their music. I am looking forward to hearing more from them!


Come and check out what’s new with Naked Girls Radio! Check back for all the updates on live performances, show times, new music, interviews, hot dancing girls, parties, events and video!