Archive for the ‘Music’ Category

This song is awesome so I had to make a pole dance video for it! It’s really a bunch of pole tricks put together with some added special effect stars that I added. This song is such a great party song!! I will be loving this one for a long time. Hope you like my video!

I worked all night long which is something that I have been doing a lot of lately. I really want to get so many things accomplished and it always seems like there are not enough hours in the day so I have been skipping going to bed a few nights a week and I stay awake working on my various online projects. Things seem to be going really well so I need to keep my momentum going!

Sexy pole dancing photo shoot… I recorded a whole bunch of video and had lots of pics taken. This is the first video clip from this night.

Wesley Harding: Hail to the Thief

Part of this week’s pole dance work out included some music from a Naked Girls Radio favorite, Wesley Harding. There is new music by the Chicago area band being played on the air lately.  Current music on NGR includes Wesley Harding’s songs I’m the One and Misery Loves Company which was recorded at a live show in the area.  This video features a song called Hail to the Thief that has not yet been played here at the station! Listen for it coming soon in high quality audio at Naked Girls Radio!


This is the latest video by New Nobility called Rebel Hero. You can also hear the song on the air at Naked Girls Radio.  I really enjoy their music. I am looking forward to hearing more from them!


Come and check out what’s new with Naked Girls Radio! Check back for all the updates on live performances, show times, new music, interviews, hot dancing girls, parties, events and video!